Supported Internship at Birmingham City Council - 2023 - 2024


At HBVC, we are passionate about supporting young people with SEND into the world of work; we are therefore delighted to be able to extend our Supported Internship offer. Working in partnership with DFN Project Search, Birmingham City Council, Amazon and Mencap we will be delivering Supported Internships at different locations in Birmingham and surrounding areas. This will be an exciting and immersive experience, where students will be able to develop their employability skills through Supported Internship placements within the host organisation, receive on-the-job training and personalised learning/support to fully prepare them for the world of work and achieve their desired outcomes, which may lead to paid employment.

Students who successfully gain a place on these Supported Internships can expect to attend some traditional classroom-based sessions, within the host organisation, however, the majority of the time will be spent on a work placement where they will learn and experience job roles within different departments. All students will receive appropriate levels of support via a Job Coach and Instructor who will personalise their learning to ensure that all students are given the right support and learning to succeed.

To be considered for this Supported Internship programme, applicants must have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, applicants with or without an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be considered.

How to Apply

To apply, please complete this application form and send to for the attention of Emma Clark, Executive Principal or Jessica Bird, Vice Principal

Alternatively please complete the contact form opposite to request an application is sent to you directly via e-mail or to request further support or guidance with your application.

Download the Application Form:

Student Application form BCC Supported Internship.docx .docx

Recruitment and Selection Days

After reviewing applications, the next stage of the application and recruitment process will consist of Recruitment and Selection days/events, where successful applicants will be invited to attend in order for us to meet, assess suitability and provide further information. It is also of course an important opportunity for applicants to meet key people and find out more.

In addition to the above, please see our admissions policy here: Policies

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Supported Internship at Birmingham City Council - 2023 - 2024


At HBVC, we are passionate about supporting young people with SEND into the world of work; we are therefore delighted to be able to extend our Supported Internship offer. Working in partnership with DFN Project Search, Birmingham City Council, Amazon and Mencap we will be delivering Supported Internships at different locations in Birmingham and surrounding areas. This will be an exciting and immersive experience, where students will be able to develop their employability skills through Supported Internship placements within the host organisation, receive on-the-job training and personalised learning/support to fully prepare them for the world of work and achieve their desired outcomes, which may lead to paid employment.

Students who successfully gain a place on these Supported Internships can expect to attend some traditional classroom-based sessions, within the host organisation, however, the majority of the time will be spent on a work placement where they will learn and experience job roles within different departments. All students will receive appropriate levels of support via a Job Coach and Instructor who will personalise their learning to ensure that all students are given the right support and learning to succeed.

To be considered for this Supported Internship programme, applicants must have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, applicants with or without an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be considered.

How to Apply

To apply, please complete this application form and send to for the attention of Emma Clark, Executive Principal or Jessica Bird, Vice Principal

Alternatively please complete the contact form opposite to request an application is sent to you directly via e-mail or to request further support or guidance with your application.

Download the Application Form:

Student Application form BCC Supported Internship.docx .docx

Recruitment and Selection Days

After reviewing applications, the next stage of the application and recruitment process will consist of Recruitment and Selection days/events, where successful applicants will be invited to attend in order for us to meet, assess suitability and provide further information. It is also of course an important opportunity for applicants to meet key people and find out more.

In addition to the above, please see our admissions policy here: Policies

We look forward to hearing from you.

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